Gives readings of her
fiction, poetry and non-fiction across the UK, in the US and in
Freelance journalism and
editorial work in the arts - for newspapers, journals, magazines,
periodicals and publishers - specialising in music-theatre, theatre,
dance, mixed-media, music, film, women's studies,
environmentalism, law, politics (gender and otherwise), prison reform and
current affairs.
on writing opera/lyrics, arts and culture, feminism, teaching in
Prison and Schools.
Book reviews and/or
features written about all categories above, in addition to travel,
biography, memoir, and essays.
Teaches creative writing to all ages
and levels; has done extensive work among ethnic minorities and the
disabled; proficient in putting across a classical tradition of how
poetry works to a wide range of audiences.
Specialises in cross-arts projects with visual artists, dancers,
singers, composers, musicians and actors.
Is currently working on a novel, some lyrics, libretti and a new
collection of poems.
Double Crossing: New and Selected
Poems (Bloodaxe 2004)
A Poetry Book Society Recommendation
The English Earthquake
(Bloodaxe 1992)
Bargain With The Watchman (Oxford
University Press 1997)
Widely published in anthologies (fiction,
poetry, non-fiction); UK, US and international magazines, periodicals and
newspapers (poetry, features, reviews).
details here...

Daring, funny, fierce and musical.
Refreshing, dangerous, ironic, always surprising, this is Salzman at her
most Salzmannesque. (One Two II: a songbook (Wrecking Ball Press 2003) - Poetry
Book Society Special Commendation Spring 2003
'With two published collections to her
credit and a remarkable compilation recently made ready for publication,
Eva Salzman is one of the most accomplished poets working in Britain
today. Perhaps, though, her wit, directness and fresh approach to
language, whether fierce or lyrical, may be seen as American qualities...
her poetry is always daring yet realistic. From the first moment I
encountered her poetry, I knew that Eva Salzman was the real thing,
devoted to a demanding but sparkling art. She is at the height of
her powers at the moment.' - Peter Porter
'Her imagery can be stunningly beautiful
with great lyric power. Eva Salzman is a young poet of proven merit and
great potential.' - William Meredith & Richard Harteis
'Ms Salzman's restless imagination,
acute satiric intelligence and formal panache mark her out as one of the
finest poets around. Her work has developed from the sharply ironic and
often beautiful English Earthquake, through the more ambitious range of
Bargain with the Watchman, to her powerful new poems with their slangy
immediacy, song-led diction and splendid visual imagery.' - Michael
'A major talent...Plenty of bite...the
hormones are almost good enough to smell.' Poetry Review
'With the publication of her second book,
the American-born Londoner Salzman joins the front ranks of Britain's
"New Gen" poets." Diann Blakely, The Antioch
'Impressive, ingenious...an army of Muses
for the sex war...'
Sean O'Brien, Sunday Times
'Eva Salzman's latest (work)
arrests its reader-listener with the same energy and musical directness of
voice as its highly acclaimed predecessor Bargain with the Watchman (OUP
1997)...explores with moving lyricism an idea which haunts much of the
compilation - the notion of the missing, the flip side, "beauty's
shadow"...Salzman's inventiveness commands attention as much with the
ear as with the imagination...her harmonic and metrical skills are at full
strength, at their most evocative perhaps in the wonderfully echoing
sonnet "Brooklyn Bridge"' - Jane Draycott, Poetry London
'Eva Salzman is one of the most singular
and underrated of the wave of younger poets publishing at the
moment...' - Conor O'Callaghan, Times Literary Supplement
'...une poesie du concret et de
l'inavouable, tranchante, lumineuse..." - Daniel Leuwers, Poesie
Premiere No. 16
'The particular mix of almost documentary
detail, wonderfully sharp portraiture and an over arching irony recalls
some of the best modern American writing.'
Peter McSlov, Poetry North
'Through her sceptical...slant on
life...and fresh diction, Salzman helps to revive the sonnet... cheeky, ironical'
George Held, American Book Review
press comments here

(2005) |
jan |
Radio 3 "The Verb" with Al Alvarez & Peter Blegvad
mar |
University of Reading, 10-4:30
Reading & Workshop for
International Women's Day, Contact: Penny Hunter - p.b.hunter@reading.ac.uk
or p.v.p.billyeald@reading.ac.uk
Leeds University - Trinity & All Saints, 10-4, March 9th, Creative
Memoir Workshop.
David Kennedy: d_kennedy@tasc.ac.uk
Dead Poets Session Readings of Lord Byron & Emily Dickinson by
Douglas Dunn & Eva Salzman.
StAnza, Younger Hall (North St), Free.
"Stateside Poets"
Reading by American poets Eva Salzman &
Tamar Yoseloff,
All Saints Church Hall (North Castle St)
01334 475000, £7 £3.
Version or Translation? Poetry Panel Discussion: Poets & translators
debate the
processes and pitfalls of interpretation; an open discussion with time
for audience questions and participation. Council Chamber (Queens
Gardens), £1 on door
Love Poetry:
A thematic creative writing workshop limited to 20 participants
"Can we separate the body and soul when we write about love - let
alone experience it? We will read poems, write some poems ourselves and
try not to fall in love in the course of the workshop".
Eva Salzman teaches Arvon courses and co-devised the Open University's Start Writing
Poetry course.
Poetry House, The Scores, £1 on door
Eva Salzman reading with Jane Hirshfield
Dumfries & Galloway Arts Association Gracefield Arts Centre 28
Edinburgh Road Dumfries DG1 1JQ Tel: 01387 253383 Contact: Andrew
Forster - andrew@dgaa.net www.dgaa.net
Eva Salzman
reading with Jane Hirshfield An
Tuireann Arts Centre Struan Road Portree Isle of Skye IV51 9EG Tel:
01478 613306
Contact: Katherine MacLeod - education@antuireann.org.uk
oct |
Ireland - Cuisle Festival, Limerick
(w/Derek Mahon, Michael Longley, John Hegley, etc. ) Contact:
Dominic Taylor: cuisle2004@eircom.net
details for Eva Salzman |