Born in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, U.K.
After a short period at Guys Hospital
Medical School, he switched to read English at Lancaster University,
where he studied with David Craig and worked with the novelist, the late
Richard Burns.
He completed his doctoral thesis on the
poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley at Oxford in the early 1980's. He
co-edited the anthology New Poetry from Oxford with W N Herbert
and Keith Jebb. He also worked with Peter Forbes, Elizabeth Garrett, Tom
Rawling, Helen Kidd and Anne Born at The Old Fire Station Workshops.
Moving to London in 1985, he ran
writers' workshops for ILEA and WEA. He ran and attended workshops in
North London with poets such as Jane Duran, Mimi Khalvati, Sue Hubbard,
Vicki Feaver and Ruth Padel.
From 1989 to 1997, with Sue Hubbard,
Mario Petrucci and Denis Timm, he co-ran Blue Nose Poetry, one of
London's liveliest poetry venues, hosting readings, workshops and
He currently teaches in London, where
he lives with his wife, Louise Tulip, and their two children, Thomas and
He is a founder member of the poetry
performance group, ShadoWork, which has recently worked up and down the
country pioneering new approaches to collaborative performing and
He has been a member of The Poetry
Society's General Council.

- An English Nazareth (Enitharmon,
- Beneath Tremendous Rain
(Enitharmon, 1990)
- At The Mountjoy Hotel (Enitharmon,
- On Whistler Mountain
(Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994)
- A Madder Ghost (Enitharmon,
- currently working on a new translation
of Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies
- The Gregory Poems: the best of the
young British poets, eds. John Fuller and Howard Sergeant (The
Salamander Press, 1985)
- Voices in the Gallery, edited
by Dannie and Joan Abse (Tate Gallery Publications, 1986)
- Touchstones One, eds. Michael
and Peter Benton (Hodder & Stoughton, 1987)
- Touchstones Three, eds. Michael
and Peter Benton (Hodder & Stoughton, 1988)
- The Orange Dove of Fiji: Poems for
the World Wide Fund for Nature, ed. Simon Rae (Hutchinson, 1989)
- New Christian Poetry, ed. Alwyn
Marriage (Collins, 1990)
- Beneath the Wide, Wide Heaven,
eds. Sara Dunn with Alan Scholefield (Virago, 1991).
- Greek Gifts, eds. Duncan Curry
and Janet Fisher (Smith/Doorstop, 1991)
- Arvon International Poetry
Competition Anthology, eds. Flory, Hill, Motion, Williams (Arvon
Foundation, 1993)
- The New Exeter Riddle Book, ed.
Kevin Crossley Holland and Lawrence Sail (Enitharmon, 1999)
- Field Days, eds. Angela King
and Susan Clifford (Common Ground/Green Books, 1998)
- The River's Voice, eds. Angela
King and Susan Clifford (Common Ground/Green Books, 2000)
- Radio Waves, ed. Sean Street (Enitharmon
Press, 2004)
(Poetry, Features, Reviews)
Poems and reviews by Martyn Crucefix
have appeared in many magazines and journals including:
- Acumen
- Ambit
- Bete Noire
- Critical Quarterly
- Illuminations
- Leviathan Quarterly
- Magma
- New Poetry from Oxford
- Outposts
- Oxford Poetry
- Poetry London
- Poetry News
- Poetry Review
- Poetry Wales
- Sheffield Thursday
- Staple
- Stand
- The Independent
- The Interpreter's House
- The Literary Review
- The London Magazine
- The London Review of Books
- The Observer
- The Rialto
- The Tabla Book of New Verse
- The Times Educational
- The Times Literary
He was one of eight poets featured in
1988 in a special edition of Poetry Review called 'New British
His work appeared in the 1998 series of
Poems on the Buses, sponsored by Friends of the Earth, Big Wide Words,
London Transport Museum and Arriva.
Other Writing
'Wordsworth, Superstition and Shelley's
Alastor', in Essays in Criticism, Vol. XXXIII, No 2, April 1983.
'Yan Tan Tethera', in Tony Harrison:
Bloodaxe Critical Anthology, ed. Neil Astley (Bloodaxe, 1991).
'This World of Love: Two Letters' in Keats-Shelley
Review, Number 8, 1993-4.
'The Drunken Porter Does Poetry: Metre
and Voice in the Poems of Tony Harrison', in Tony Harrison: Loiner,
ed. Sandie Byrne (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997).
'Ten Steps to a Good Poetry Reading',
in Poetry News, Winter 2001/2.

An English Nazareth (2004)
"Crucefix aspires to be the
patron saint who can lift us into the clouds of the small
near-magic-realist lyric ('Scoop'), a high-flying purveyor of majestic
clarity ('On Night's Estate'), a tight-rope-walker forever balancing
himself over the symbolic-sense divide ('So Far' and 'Clay Town') and
in the best of these poems we rise with him and are then returned to
earth by his many routes, squarely, impressively, on both feet". Acumen.
"The three most memorable poems
are longer pieces, about strangers. One is a dramatic monologue in the
persona but not the voice of a contemporary builder of the shrine at
Walsingham ('the saw / still warm in the red-grained wood / the
hammer's shout on the nail'). It subtly conveys the divinity of the
lady whose vision instructs the builders (as in those connotations of
hammer and nails), while making more earthy observations such as how
she's never actually visited a humble home like the one they are
building, or that they are praising God for the gift of paid work
rather than for His Son. In another monologue, a tourist-attracting
cheesemaker - in his own salty voice - imagines Cleopatras in his vat,
and 'wilts' the boredom in his spectators' eyes by using his knife to
'slit / the curd's throat/ /to breezeblock shapes'. The third is a
ballad about two lovers shot in divided Sarajevo, sung - astonishingly
and effectively - by the ubiquitous water which features in their
lives and deaths: 'I'm the vigour in grass/ that's crushed where
[they] lie.// the little moisture/ that remains in their eyes.'" The
A Madder Ghost (1997)
"It is rare these days to find a
book of poems that is so focused, so carefully shaped and so
moving". Anne Stevenson.
"A substantial collection on big
themes - birth, exile, illness, persecution and death. The
author's voice is both public and personal . . . the lyrics about the
poet's relationship to his infant son remain with me for their
delicacy" Orbis.
"I hope very much the advent of
proactive fatherhood will spawn more poetry as tender, humourous and, in
places, profound as this" Gillian Allnutt, Poetry
"Crucefix uses a quotidian,
work-a-day language that doesn't holler and doesn't hang about.
Its lack of rhetoric sits easily with the subject-matter, at once so
ordinary and so remarkable . . . Just as the first and third sections of
the book dare to be ordinary, the second undertakes a brave experiment
in allowing two languages distanced by history and syntax, to swim
together in single poems" P N Review.
On Whistler Mountain (1994)
"Richly various in its subject
matter. The undoubted masterpiece is the title poem . . . He is the
master of the small apocalypse. Martyn Crucefix has firmly staked
his claim to be one of the most mature voices of the
nineties" John Greening, Poetry Review
"A substantial and rewarding
collection . . . highly wrought, ambitious, thoughtful - and very
good" Alan Brownjohn, The Sunday Times
"The three most powerful poems in
this extremely inventive collection intertwine two lines of inquiry or
play one sequence off against another . . . full of tension and vicious
observations" Bill Greenwell, New Statesman.
"He likes to create an energetic
criss-crossing of moods and words belonging to different people at
different times . . . There is real vitality here and some sharp often
comic observation" Derwent May, The Times
"A very promising volume . . . it
contains an encouraging number of fine poems" Vernon
Scannell, The Sunday Telegraph.
At The Mountjoy Hotel (1993)
"Here is a poem you will either
love or hate. The craft is not at issue - it never falters. The form,
the language, the tone, are straightforward, but spot on. We feel we are
in the hands of an expert. But the subject matter? Does this man deserve
a poem to himself? It is true most of us would not want to meet him, but
curiously enough - and this is what makes this such a controversial poem
- one does want to read about him. Readers will have to make up their
own minds. It certainly made me sit up, which poetry, don't you think,
should do?" Selima Hill.
Beneath Tremendous Rain
"Great intelligence and
subtlety . . . clearly an outstanding talent from whom great things can be
expected" Herbert Lomas, Ambit
"Salvation and torment
. . . the world of sensuality, bad moods, jealousies, grief, and 'the
crumbling glint of waves' that offers 'the unbounded horizon' only in
death, soaks this volume" Adam Thorpe, The Observer
"A tremendously
enjoyable book" Julian May, Poetry Review
"Poetry these days,
often feels obliged to place conscience over art and make language work
for precision, not complexity. In Martyn Crucefix's first collection,
something else happens . . . daring to break with secular convention,
Crucefix will become a real artist". Anne Stevenson, Stand
"Martyn Crucefix has a
distinctive voice. BTR has considerable range of form, subject and style
and emotional pitch. Crucefix is at his best writing sparsely with cryptic
detachment. The poet employs distinct personae to great effect. Richly
enjoyable . . . He is strongest with people and their emotions,
particularly when he writes about the interruption of lives by faceless
cataclysm". TLS

- Works regularly as a tutor for The
Poetry School in London.
- With ShadoWork has recently performed
and taught collaborative writing and performance techniques in
Derbyshire, Sussex, Hampshire, Essex and London.
- Is a member of NAWE.
- Has taught literature and creative
writing at Roehampton Institute (University of Surrey) and Middlesex
- Has given papers in Winchester at The
Writers' Conferences.
- Has acted as a competition judge for
Kent & Sussex Poetry Society, the Suffolk poetry Society's Crabbe
Memorial Poetry Competition, The Blue Nose Poetry Competition, The
Winchester Writers' Conference Competition and others.
- Was commissioned by the Post Office to
edit their poetry web-site for Valentines Day 2001.